"(2) any posthuman civilization is extremely unlikely to run a significant number of simulations of their evolutionary history (or variations thereof)"

Should this have said "likely" instead of "unlikely"?

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Mar 13, 2022Liked by Ives Parr

There are many non-simulation-hypothesis explanations for a sequence of coin tosses with many heads (or tails) in a row. ("The coin is a trick coin" being one of the simpler ones.)

P(H | S) > P(H) _is not enough_. You must also have P(H | S) > P(H | M) for _all_ other Mundane hypotheses.

For an explicit example.

I have a prior of S=10^-6, and M=10^-4.

(In the below I'm using lowercase X to mean ~X. So e.g. Sm means 'Simulation and not Mundane')

I know the following probabilities:

P(H | SM)=4/5

P(H | sM)=4/5

P(H | Sm) = 3/4

P(H | sm) = 1/2

I flip a thousand heads in a row. What is my resulting posterior?

1000 heads:

SM: 1e-06

Sm: 9.359075874475835e-31

sM: 0.999999

sm: 7.585312510276936e-201

S_: 1e-06

_M: 1.0

...oh. The dominant hypothesis is the mundane explanation.

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